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Showing posts from May, 2020


Well. At least I can say that I tried. I thought the meds (Jynarque) would buy me time but I was wrong. Following the review of my labwork with the nephologist (eGFR is now 21 - it's been trending down since December), she's lining up consults with a dialysis nurse as well as a surgeon for fistula palacment. And, more importantly, she told me to put out the word that I need a kidney donor. I sure didn't see that one coming. Crap! I guess the dream of an artificial kidney may not come true for me. Through tears, I wrote a post to my Facebook friends. And then a crazy thing happened. They responded. With tears. With encouragement. With love. And also, with offers to be my live donor. (insert ugly cry here) I'm still in shock. I'm so humbled. I'm so grateful. The generosity still amazes me. I don't know if anyone will be a match and/or healthy enough to donate. But the gift they've given me RIGHT NOW is just as important. It's the gift o

No denying it

So this happened today. Despite being on Jynarque for over a year. Despite increasing the dosage to 90/30. Despite watching my sodium, drinking gallons of water and losing weight. My creatinine levels continue to trend upwards and my eGFR continues to trend down. It's now at 21. Big sigh. Discussions are underway to determine dialysis modality and whether I can do it at home. A fistula consult with the surgeon has been ordered. And I still wait for the transplant evaluation with Mayo (it was rescheduled due to Covid). So if you know anyone who would be interested in helping out a Type O girl with a donated kidney, please send them my way. Take care.