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Lightbulb moment

After today's earlier post on becoming "that person" - the one who does nothing but list off a litany of aches, pains and meds - a lightbulb finally went off.

Truth be told it was as I was posting the accompanying picture to Facebook.

THIS is how I'm living my life with ADPKD!

Yes, I'm living with all the aches, pains and meds.

But that doesn't define me. I still do STUFF!

I've been fortunate to have some downtime from work - a stay-cation of sorts. This is my favorite way of spending my time right now.

It gives me time to relax, read, get caught up on chores and CREATE! It doesn't matter what kind of creation it is - cooking an actual meal (and sitting at the table to eat it), painting a room, gardening, fixing something that's broken or, in this case, building a very basic potting bench.

It may not be pretty. It may not even be level/square. But I built it BY MYSELF, without plans, using scrap lumber I had collecting dust in my garage.

And you know what? I didn't think about my flank pain at all. :-)

And THAT my friends is how you live with a chronic disease. Don't let it define you. Find things that nurture your soul.
