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Running on empty

Energy. What's that?

During my last nephology appointment, I mentioned that my stamina was declining and that I'm, in a word, TIRED!

My doctor's first thought was to check TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels. Excellent idea. Unfortunately, my levels are medicated, controlled, recently tested and within the 'normal' range. Oops.

To be fair, my energy levels are reminiscent of the months prior to being diagnosed with hypothyroidism - not quite as severe, but still not good.

On days I work from home - I'm a data analyst/programmer - I frequently have to either take a nap over my lunch break or crash once I'm done for the day. On days I go into the office, I often myself in bed by 8pm (and sometimes earlier).

Sigh. This is no way to live life.

I've asked about this in the Polycystic Cysterhood Facebook group and others agree that they've seen their stamina and energy flag as kidney function has declined. At least I'm not alone.

Until I find some way to recapture that lost pep, I'm trying to recognize my limitations and work with them. Instead of marathon gardening sessions, I'm finding that 30 to 60 minutes blocks is the extent of my commitment. And even then, I have to take things slow and HYDRATE. Last weekend I actually sat down and rested for a bit.

Who IS this person?

I love my life and I refuse to give it up. The key, I believe, is to figure out my new normal and be thankful for slight modifications rather than eliminations.
