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Back to reality

Oh what a glorious weekend it was. I had a plan. Things I wanted to get done. Strenuous outdoor work.

And I did it!

I cleared the burn pile and turned it into an attractive rustic fire pit. I leveled uneven ground. Cleared brush. Cleaned up flower beds. Walked my dogs. Cooked. Cleaned.

And then hit a wall. A wall called Monday.


Even though I paced myself, I know now that I pushed myself too much.

Instead of winding down, I kept working on projects and housework until 11pm. I should have put myself to bed at 8pm after a hot shower.

So even though I thought I understood the 'slow down and listen to your body' mantra, I proved to myself that I still have much to learn.

About myself. About my limitations. About this disease. About my new normal.

And now - at 8pm - I do what I should have done last night. I go to bed.
